I am proud to have been part of the team that delivered for our city!

These have all been accomplished!
8 years ago Lee Castro wrote these words as part of his campaign ads.
“ I want the people of Adairsville to know that if they vote for me,
I can be trusted to deliver.”
In the margins of his original campaign notes Lee wrote some of his ideas for moving the city forward, such as:
Hire a new city Manager
Reboot the advisory boards
Have a visioning session with the community
Use Ideas from visioning sessions and council retreats to create 5, 10, 15, and 20 year plans and then work the plans
Update the city website to become a tool and resource for our citizens
New City Hall design.
Boost employee morale
Subdivision street ownership
Pave, Pave ,Pave
Sidewalk grants
Gateway Grants
New Boys and Girls Club
Management and reconstruction of old and poorly managed water and sewer system
Preservation and development of Historic District
Positive economic development